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King Pacific Lodge: Princess Royal Island, British Columbia

Tour Description:

Spend a day saltwater fishing, whale watching or enjoying a guided kayak journey, where you might spot eagle and bear on the shore. Set out on guided hikes ranging from an easy trek to a full-day adventure. Learn about the First Nation peoples by visiting a traditional longhouse and summer fishing camp.

Dates & Pricing


Saltwater Fishing
Experienced guides will tailor hiking trips to suit guests' skills and endurance levels. Hikes available include short jaunts to a waterfall, a moderate hike to forested streams or a full-day multi-venture trek to an alpine lake on a neighboring island. All hikes are fully guided and include packed lunches if required. King Pacific Lodge

Fully guided kayaking trips are open to novice and expert paddlers alike. The lodge provides courtesy instruction complete with jackets and lift vests. Trips vary from a short paddle to Cameron Cove just around the corner, to full-day excursions. King Pacific Lodge

Includes Humpback whale and Orca watching as well as nature cruises that allow you the opportunity to see eagles, bears, hundreds of species of fish, Stellar sea lions, dolphins, porpoises, deer, and wolves. King Pacific Lodge

Whale Watching/Wildlife Viewing
Learn about the ancient culture of the First Nations people in the area. Visit a traditional longhouse in a remote fjord, a seasonal fishing camp and the First Nations community of Hartley Bay, with its new cultural center.

Cultural Program
These activities are available at an additional cost to the Lodge vacation packages and include spa services, fly-out fly fishing, heli-hiking, heli-kayaking, heli-sightseeing and the quest for the Kermode Bear. King Pacific Lodge

Optional Activities