Your personal guide leads you through Dakar, formerly a center of the slave trade. See salt harvesters on the Pink Lake, then fly to Timbuktu and browse the local markets. Journey down the Niger River via pirogue, witness the riveting mask dance of the Dogons and meet the nomadic "blue men of the desert" at a Tuareg camp.
Meet the salt harvesters on the Pink Lake, an incredible
rose colored body of water, and learn how the women extract its
salt. Continue on your journey to Mali.
Day 4
Timbuktu is renowned for its ancient mud mosques. View
their striking architecture during a walk through the town. Wander
among the bustling food and artisan markets. Later, depart by camel
to a Tuareg camp.
Day 5
Fly to Mopti to visit traditional Bobo and Fulani villages
as you embark on a journey via pirogue down the majestic Niger
River. Gaze out at local villages and watch the people go about their
daily lives as you drift lazily downstream. Stop at a Bozo fishing
village and a Fulani village to learn the culture of these nomadic
herders. At the river village of Sarakole, pause to visit its beautiful
mosque. Throughout your cruise down the river, wildlife viewings
are commonplace.
Day 6
In Djenn?, view the famous Great Mosque (the largest mud
monument in the world); also visit the Koranic schools and the
narrow streets lined with Sudanese architecture.
Day 7
Drive to Sangha, exploring Dogon villages en route. Visit the remarkable stone houses of the vanished Tellem and witness the Dogon mask dance, a ritual originally intended to guide the souls of the departed into the afterlife.
Days 8-9
Visit several authentic Bobo villages en route to Segou. The Bobo people are known for their colorful masks and elaborate costumes.
Day 10
Explore Segou's colonial buildings and harbor, then visit Bambara villages and Bamako before boarding your onward flight.